Friday, October 31, 2008

Skin Disorder by Chemicals

Skin diseases that result from chemical and physical agent as well as infectious organism include contact dermatitis, sunburn, heat rush, and bunions, corns, and calluses. Contact dermatitis characterized by itching and burning sensations reddening, and blistering, ‘weeping’, and crusting of areas of the skin. it is an acute or chronic skin inflammation caused by skin contact with irritants such as chemical or poison ivy or with substances to which an individual is allergic, although the causes of the form of dermatitis known as eczema are often unclear.

Ultraviolet light causes erythema solare, or sunburn, signs of which can vary from simple reddening to blistering. The symptoms can range from simple pain in the skin to gastrointestinal disorder, malaise, and prostration. Miliaria (heat rush or prickly heat) is frequently seen in infantand obese adult. It is characterized by burning and itching and the aggregationof small blisters on covered areas during hot humid weather.

Bunions, corns, and calluses on the feet or toes result from pressure and friction due to body deformities or from poorly fitting shoes. When the skin is exposed to heat, electricity, radiation, severity of the burn, that is the depth of the skin layers destroyed and the area affected, a skin graft may be required.


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