Monday, June 28, 2010

Human Pappiloma Virus Disease

Other strange skin diseases like Blue Skin Diseases is Tree Man Diseases, the skin suddenly merge the spot like warts, but this warts seems like skin cancer that can grows on. More ages of this skin diseases the warts longer and this warts like the tree branch that grow from wood. The warts will merge all over the body because this wart is caused by virus infection, Human Pappiloma Virus (HPV). The gnarled warts grow from all the skin surface, from the hands, body, feet and ever face. If too late to overcoming these diseases can causes fatality, because the warts can obscure all the body sense. Causes blind, hard to breath and difficult to eat because so many long warts dangle from eyes skin, nose skin, mouth skin and so on.

On of Indonesian man is infected by this diseases, Mr. Dede Koswara, 35 years old, a fisherman was dubbed the “tree man” because of the gnarled warts on all the skin. The first time he have this warts when he is still a teenager. Because of this disease, he was sacked from his job, deserted by his wife and shunned by his neighbours as the horn-like extension covered much of his body and stopped his working. He has two children and difficult live to give feed to his children, one of his job that is not depend to other people just become an angler. He fishing and the fish will eat for his children.

He help after publicly about his disease then the government help allowed him to get treatment, and in 2008, about six kilos of warts were surgery and removed from his body. He suffer from this diseases more than ten years without any significant help, but the destiny still bring him alive.


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