Thursday, October 13, 2011


Impetigo is a superficial skin infections and diseases transmitted by streptococci or staphylococci bacteria . This bacteria release toxins exfoliactive that cause separation dermal-epidermal or bullae formation. some of the streptococcus is nephrotoxic and can lead to glomerulonephritis. This disease usually affects children aged 5-7 years. The disease is easily transmitted, predisposition factor is poor hygiene and skin diseases that have been there before such as parasitic infections, even in normal healthy people and may also occur.

Early lesions in the form of thin-walled vesicles that are located above the base of eriterma dries out, forming a scab (crust) yellowish brown. Gradually extended to the peripheral lesion without healing in between. Lesions are usually multiple and may coalesce. If disease is severe, accompanied by a regional adenitis arise complaints of fever and other constitutional symptoms.

Spontaneous healing can occur within 2-3 weeks. But a long time of the disease frequently encountered, especially when there is an underlying disease such as parasitic infections, eczema or hot and humid climates.


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